Electrical Panel Replacement in Lehigh Valley, PA
We Con-Du-It and Our Prices Won't Shock You!
Rapid Electrical Panel Replacement in Lehigh Valley, PA
Serving Lehigh County, Northampton, Carbon County
An outdated electrical panel can lead to expensive damages, wiring issues, or even electrical fires. Regular maintenance can extend the life of your panel, but upgrading to a newer model can bring several benefits, including increased energy efficiency.
Your panel could stay operational for 4 decades or more with our services, but a replacement could be more efficient. Either way, you should pay attention for any signs that your electrical panel is failing, like:
- Zapped by light switches
- You feel warmth from the electrical panel
- Lights flicker or cut in and out
- You hear a hum or buzz from your light switches
It’s important to watch for common electrical issues in your home, as these can indicate a problem with your electrical panel or wiring. To avoid potential dangers, you might also consider an electrical panel replacement in Lehigh Valley, PA.
If you experience issues or want to upgrade, you can count on our services. By upgrading your electrical panel, you can peace of mind knowing that you’re safe and electrical needs are met. Call us today for an estimate to get started!

In Search of Electrical Panel Replacement in Lehigh Valley, PA?
You don’t have to wait for your electrical panel to get old to want an upgrade. As you update your home with modern technology, like an EV charging station installation, you might need a better panel. That’s just one of many reasons to get a replacement, like:
- Improved efficiency. Electrical panels can last for decades, but their efficiency can decrease over time. It’s recommended to consider upgrading after 25 years to ensure that your panel is functioning efficiently. This can also avoid potential problems, such as overloaded circuits and damage to devices. Upgrading can also improve energy efficiency, which can save you money on your energy bills.
- Increased home value. With the increasing reliance on technology in households, electrical panels can become outdated faster than before. Upgrading your electrical panel can bring several benefits, including added value to your home. With more amps and circuits, you can accommodate modern devices and appliances. This can make your home more functional and attractive to potential buyers.
- Safety. Overloaded circuits are a common cause of electrical fires, as well as other damages to your electrical system. It’s important to keep your electrical panel and wiring in good condition to prevent overloading and minimize the risk of electrical fires. Regular maintenance and upgrades can help ensure the safety and efficiency of your electrical system, so you can feel safe and secure in your home. If you are concerned about the condition of your electrical panel, it’s best to consult with a licensed electrician to assess the situation and recommend any necessary upgrades or repairs.
If you are concerned about the condition of your electrical panel, we’ll inspect the situation and recommend any necessary upgrades or repairs. 2 Live Wires has a trained team for your electrical needs, so we’re here to keep things efficient for your home or business. Call a professional electrician in Slatington, PA today!
The Best Electrical Panel Replacement in Lehigh Valley, PA
Upgrading from a fuse box to a circuit breaker panel is a recommended safety measure. The electrical demands of modern homes have increased over time and older fuse boxes may not be equipped for the amps you use. An updated circuit breaker can better manage electrical loads and prevent potential hazards, such as overloading and fires, if your home is at least 2 decades old.